Best Affilliate BLUEPRINT

Easiest System Ever

Welcome To Challenge Day 2

Congratulations! You have completed day 1 and now we are moving on to the next part.

During this segment, we will guide you to choose a video/product in GetResponse which you will be promoting.

What You Need To Know

The aim of this exercise is to get you to understand the process of finding a pain point of your prospective customer and then help him solve the problem or find a solution to his pain point.

This “solution” is then offered to him in the form of a Video, Ebook, Series Of Videos, Consultation, Webinar.

The affiliate offer you are going to make will then complement or enhance the solution to the pain point so that the customer can either implement the solution easier or cheaper or quicker. (save them time or money).

Hence we chose Getresponse’s own affiliate program as a simple example for helping someone to solve a pain they will be experiencing in their business.  The “pain” at this point is “I want to sell more products” for the business owner.

The video will then show him how he can maximise his traffic and sales by means of a simple 3 step sales funnel.  And guess what?  Getresponse lets you build Automated Sales Funnels right from their dashboard!

And just below the video, you are going to place your affiliate link! A very soft way of getting a sale!

So now you have shown your customer how they can make more sales with a simple sales funnel and you are offering them the software to do it with!

And with all the Getresponse videos provided, we have LOTS of pain point solutions we can offer potential leads for us to run this example.

We can just find the appropriate pain + it’s solution video and offer it to the right audience in exchange for an email.

Just on the online marketing niche, there is a HUGE number of pain points that need solving.

  • How to build a website,
  • how to make a youtube video,
  • how to build an email list,
  • how to increase sales,

the list of problems that need solving is almost endless!

You can repeat this process in any market or with any affiliate programHealth, fitness, relationships , wealth creation, make money online etc will all work using this exact same model.

Find a problem or pain and offer your solution + a way to implement it = $$$$


“Read the statement above again! We will teach you how to put the vehicle together, afterwards, you will be able to implement the same formula with any product/service. Powerful Stuff!”


Look, we KNOW that what we are doing in this follow-along challenge example is VERY simplistic, hence the Super Simple Affiliate Funnel name, but we made it expressly so in order for you to follow along and get the basic principles and the mechanics under your belt.  Once the concept and the techniques are mastered, you can apply this anywhere and expand on it.


Follow these steps to success!

Step 1: Log in to your GetResponse affiliate account – click here – remember this is different from your normal GetResponse account. (The one you signed up for in the previous lesson under Step 4)



Step 2: Once logged in you will find your affiliate link at the top. Copy and paste that to Word or Notepad – and save in a folder on your desktop. You will use it later on, so make sure you create a folder for this info.

We prefer using Notepad over Word as it strips anything you paste from HTML coding. (HTML coding is added to anything on the web – it happens in the background so you won’t see it.)



Step 3: Navigate to this page – here you will find a wealth of videos that you can use to address pain points. To find the videos scroll down on the left sidebar and select videos.  Here you will find 94 different videos to market.



Step 4:  Select your video 

Videos are one of the BEST ways to address pain points.

For this challenge, we will be using this video “The 3-Step Funnel That Will Help You Sell More of Your Product


Before you decide that this video addresses the pain point you are trying to help people solve, you need to be familiar with it. (you will learn something about sales funnels in the process as well, VERY good to know).

You need to copy the youtube video URL address from the address bar and save it on your notepad as you will be using it next to create your landing page and thank you page.

We supply it here for your convenience BUT you need to go through the little exercise do you know how to do it in future :

You will also need to grab the Headline of the video and the description that goes with it from this page.

Copy and save the headline and description with your YouTube URL in a Notepad text file.   We will show you in tomorrow’s lesson how to use it for building our landing and thank you page.



Step 5: Grab the Youtube Thumbnail. 

Go to and enter the youtube URL of the video, in this case, .  Download and save the larger image on your desktop by right-clicking on it and save as.  We will need it later.

If you do not like the particular thumbnail, then click here for a free thumbnail creator.  Make something original and nice and save it to your desktop.



Step 6: Homework!

We have been going on and on about “funnels”.  What the HECK is a funnel???

Go and read What Is A Sales Funnel From Our Page HERE, you will learn about one of the most important business fundamentals of selling online.  The whole process that we are going through here with you is based on a sales funnel principle.

There is a NICE BIG FAT, FREE SURPRISE at the end of that page, we HIGHLY suggest you grab it.  It WILL change your business as it did ours…



Step 7 : Optional task, but highly recommended .  Familiarise yourself with all the resources on this page , there is a wealth of information regarding email marketing that will stand you in good stead if you are going to be serious about making a success about this.

As an affiliate marketer it is important you have an inquisitive mind and that you are willing to explore. If there is anything you are unsure of – like what is an URL, then you need to spend time on Youtube and Google with your questions.

Checks & Balances

Check yourself to ensure you are on par.

After today you need to have completed the following:-

The aim of this exercise is to get you to understand the process of finding a pain point of your prospective customer and then help him solve the problem or find a solution to his pain point.

  1. Selected a video in Getresponse that will be the solution to the problem
  2. Watched the video that you will be selling
  3. Copied and pasted your Getresponse affiliate link to Notepad and saved on your pc
  4. Copied and pasted the Headline and Description of the video you will be selling to Notepad and saved on your pc
  5. Grabbed the thumbnail of the video – and saved on your pc
  6. Completed step 6 & 7 as “homework”
  7. Commented DAY TWO – DONE in the Facebook group
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