Best Affilliate BLUEPRINT

Easiest System Ever

Congratulations! For Making It To Day 5!

You are almost done with your super simple affiliate funnel.  Just a couple of small tasks and your bonuses below…

Remember, this funnel is purely for example sake.  You can clone this exact same funnel in any market of your choosing.  Health, wealth and relationships are good markets to be in.  See our video on picking your niches.


“Congratulations! Do something to celebrate, even something small, because by making it this far, you are now part of only 20% of people! Read up on the Pareto principle on Google. BUT NOT NOW!! Let’s finish this first. Well done!”


If you are going to use the actual funnel and generate sales and leads with it, you are going to need to freshen it up a bit to get it up to standard.  Our tutorial could only do so much in the short time that we try to keep you busy.

Day 5 Things To Do

Step 1:- Ensure you edit your Lead Generation & Thank You page to look a bit more attractive – we have attached screenshots below as an example. Note text and button sizes and colours.

In order to comply with FTC and Facebook Marketing rules, you are going to need to add some Disclaimer Text at the end of the pages as well.

This site is not a part of the Facebook website nor Facebook, Inc. Additionally, this site is not endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of Facebook, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: Any results stated above are for each individual represented. Please understand results are not typical, we’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results because they simply do not implement the information. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action.

Step 2:- The stock standard URL provided by Getresponse is not very “sexy”.  People may be a bit hesitant to click on your link.

You need to shorten your affiliate URL to make it look a bit more “tidy”. To do this, just copy your landing page URL and go to – paste your URL and get the shortened URL – SAVE this as you will need it later.


The image should make sense to you now – you have now completed your first sales funnel with all the elements – see the image. The only thing that you now need is traffic. And we will tackle that in the next module, so make sure that you page to the next page below (day 6) – click the Red Button – and make sure you also grab your bonuses right at the bottom – you will need that in future.


Now Comes The Most Important Part!

You Need To Send People To Your Landing Page In Order To Make Sales!


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